Wow, I can not believe in just a few short days it will actually be FALL. Fall of last year is when I found out I was pregnant with Seth (the actual date was Sept. 11, 2008) Man time sure is flying by. This means it has been just that much longer since Seth graced the world with his presence and peacefully slipped into the arms of God just hours later. I miss him so much. I miss having him in my arms, kissing him, and the way he smelled. I miss his sound, his touch, and how I felt when I held him, and had my WHOLE family in arms reach of me. it is so hard to believe it has already been almost 5 months. I just imagine what he would look like, what he'd be doing, how big he would be, and all the little sounds he would be making. Gosh I just miss him so much. Well, I ordered his headstone on May 8th, and it still HAS NOT been put up. The sad thing is, they said they did have his stone in stock, and it would only be 3 months at the most. I am so ready to get it. I wait for them to call me every day all day to tell me its on its way to the cemetery. Hopefully it wont be long. I am getting impatient. Well thanks for checking in. I love you all!

I can't believe it's almost fall either but I am looking forward to the leaves changing and all the beautiful colors. I hope they can get his headstone up soon. I know how it felt waiting for Carleigh's and they told us it would take 4-6 weeks and it finally got up over 3 months later. I imagine those things too.
ReplyDeleteHe is SO beautiful PJ. So, so beautiful.
ReplyDeleteI hope they get the headstone up soon!
ReplyDeleteFall....bittersweet this year. I found out we were pregnant with Noah on 9/12 so I'm with you. Misty and I have agreed that knowing that by the time we found out about our babies that they were already forming with their anomaly takes so much of the joy out of the day that we found out. It sucks! I think it doubly hurts as well because we are all in the process of trying again to get pregnant and the unknowns are practically unbearable. But I can't imagine that God would have us walk this road again.
ReplyDeleteI hope that Seth's headstone is up soon. I can't wait to see it. If you need help I wouldn't mind making a phone call for you to find out what the deal is.
We love U too Snothead
Daddy Mom Lil Joe and Doris
He is so Buatiful and Peacful!!
ReplyDeleteWow, what a beautiful, sweet little boy. I really am so very very sorry for your loss. Thank you for continuing to share your story with others. ♥